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Metaverse News Collection! – May Edition | LineZero

Written by LineZero | 26-May-2022 6:23:51 PM

This post is a collection of blogs, videos, and articles about the Metaverse. We believe one of our missions is to keep up with the news and trends around the Metaverse to stay informed and educated. We want to share the recent content we searched through with our audiences monthly. Here is our May collection for you to enjoy: 

What Is the Metaverse, And Where Should We Begin?

When we were in the 90s, we used to ask, "What is the Internet?" Many of us are asking now, "What is the Metaverse?" The Metaverse is simply the next phase of the internet but will be a game-changing shift to the operational challenges companies consistently face. This article talks about three questions that Forbes Technology Council raises regarding the Metaverse and their precise answers to them.

  1. What is the Metaverse?
  2. Where do we start?
  3. How do NFTs (Nonfungible Tokens) factor into this?

If you are curious about their definition and suggestions for the Metaverse, you can check out the content here

Gary Vee Explains NFTs from the Metaverse

Have you seen the headlines like "First NFT artwork at auction sells for staggering $69 million" or "Tom Brady's NFT Platform autograph raises $170 million in fresh capital"? This short video explains what non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are and their worth in the Metaverse. For anyone who is not still sure or wants to know more about it, this interview with Internet Entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk, may be helpful. 


Watch the 4-minute video to learn more here.


A Beginner's Guide to the Metaverse:

What it is, how you can access it and more


We are already experiencing the Metaverse with Roblox, Meta, Minecraft and Second Life. In addition, We have AR and VR and machine learning that map human facial expressions onto avatars. This blog post by BBC Science gives intriguing facts about the Metaverse including where the idea came from and who controls the Metaverse’s laws. You can also learn about what we can do using the Metaverse in the workplace, fashion, and other subcultures.

Learn more here.

For more information about the Metaverse, here are related blogs that might be of interest:

Metaverse News Collection! – April Edition 

What is the Corporate Metaverse & Why Business Leaders Should Care

Will the Metaverse and Mixed Reality Affect the Way We Work and Live?


- Contributorship of Articles: Hyun-Jin Im