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Hello everyone. Welcome to LineZero’s vlog series. In HBR’s recent article, “The Secret of Adaptable Organizations is Trust,” the author presents a “less is more” approach to adaptability using three design principles that can help leaders loosen their grip on the organization (while not allowing it to descend into chaos) to give employees the freedom they need to work effectively. During the pandemic, many CEOs reported that their organization appears to work best in crisis mode. Now, to achieve a permanent state of adaptability, the question becomes – how can organizations use this momentum and experience to move from crisis mode to forward thinking? Let’s take a look.  


Workplace Environment for Employees

First, HBR states that in adaptable organizations, leaders focus on facilitating the right environment rather than “doing too much.” To do this successfully, it’s essential to nominate owners. That is, champions or influencers who take end-to-end ownership of their topics, including the seamless grouping and re-grouping of employees in response to new tasks. To avoid organizational silos, identifying champions helps make teams flexible, diverse and cross-functional. At LineZero, we help our customers identify champions in the early adoption stage of their digital transformation journey to increase adoption rates. Through a series of Workshops, champions assume ownership of spearheading engagement on Workplace in specific Groups by completing certain initiatives and tasks.  


A Demo is Worth a Thousand Words

Every organization is unique, so your demo should be uniquely matched to your specific business needs. Contact us to tailor your Workplace demo.

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Test, don't guess.

Second, HBR says to test, don’t guess. That is, run real experiments rather than relying on theoretical applications or expert opinions. By doing this, organizations can use the results of a certain initiative as the basis for designing measurable solutions. For example, if you want to better understand how people are consuming Live video on Workplace, look no further than video insights to maximize the reach and engagement of your video content. Tried, tested and true – analytics can help you massage your content and approach, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve and achieve even better results.  

Direct Interactions Between Individuals

Third, HBR recommends sparking collisions in your organization by enabling direct interactions between individuals, both planned and unplanned, to share ideas and experiences. To achieve a common purpose, dynamic networking can be the conduit for effective decision-making. At LineZero, we facilitate unplanned interactions between individuals and across teams through our Coffee House bot on Workplace, which randomly selects a group of colleagues to meet for an informal chat. Colleagues with different organizational lenses can come together and discuss new ideas, best practices or learnings, so you never know what agile approaches can come out of these meetings to give your organization a competitive advantage.  

Thanks for tuning into today’s video. Email for more ideas around forward thinking and adaptability.  



Written by LineZero
March 18, 2021
As a Meta for Work partner, LineZero is led by a people-centric president and leadership team that builds culture, connection, and community. LineZero is a team of employee experience and change management consultants.
