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Is your organization considering digital transformation initiatives? Are you looking for ways to innovate, become more agile, and unlock greater value for your customers and clients? Looking for a ‘secret recipe’ on how to be successful?  

Then, this blog is for you! In the next sections of this blog, we’ll explore the role that internal communication can play in digital transformation. We’ll focus on the six pillars of connected work to help you understand how your internal communications can help you to decrease costs and become more competitive in the market!   

Building Connected Organizations with these 6 Key Pillars of Connected Work 

The key to supporting the transformation agenda of an Internal Communications leader is to understand the fundamental goal. That is, connected work.  

When it comes to the future of work, connected work will be a significant differentiator for successful businesses, as well as the foundation for effective digital transformation. But what does this work look like? And what can businesses do to prepare? We’ve identified six pillars of connected work:  

internal communication at work

  1. Open - Open communication drives cultural change by breaking down organizational silos, enabling teamwork and company-wide communication. 
  2. Mobile - A changing workforce necessitates the use of mobile tools. Mobile work is lighter and more enjoyable thanks to instant messaging and chatbots. 
  3. Visual - Video is the new natural language of mobile. Live video makes leadership teams more accessible and engaging. 
  4. Integrated - The explosion of enterprise apps makes work more fragmented and less secure. Integration is critical to more productive teamwork. 
  5. Ubiquitous - Connecting everybody across an organization will give all employees a voice, driving productivity and performance gains. 
  6. Personalized - Personalization helps us grasp what's important while filtering out the noise as the pace of information increases. 

These characteristics are the cornerstones of digital transformation, and each has a direct influence on internal communications. They're also the guiding ideas behind Workplace from Facebook. 


1. Open by Default

Breaking down organizational barriers and borders, allowing individuals faster access to the information they need, and helping them feel more connected to the corporate purpose and their coworkers are all part of Open by Default. 

We've seen the outcomes for ourselves. Facebook was run on email, IRC, and distribution lists in 2010. We didn't consider that they were closed modes of communication because they appeared to function well. 

Facebook went from a tight culture of email threads and 1:1 discussion to a culture of openness almost overnight, but how? With Workplace, you could post, comment on, and share content in Groups. Colleagues were more accessible. It was much easier to locate potential collaborators. Executives were easier to reach.  

This not only improved company-wide communication and cooperation, but it also had a significant influence on culture – this extends into today. Nearly 85% of Gen Yers think that having more regular discussions with their bosses would make them feel more confident. While 62% of individuals believe that if an employer reacts to both good and negative criticism online, their opinion of the firm improves. It's clear how open, transparent communication via an internal communication platform like Workplace can radically influence culture and digital transformation in a positive way.  


2. Mobile by Design 

Every company should embrace technology that makes it simple for employees to complete work and stay connected no matter where they are. As a result, connected businesses will be Mobile by Design. 

Messaging is perhaps the most important mobile tool. Mobile-first messaging apps aren't just great to have; they're becoming increasingly necessary for getting things done. 

Workplace Chat isn't just for instant messages; it's for anything, from phone conversations to video conferencing, all at the press of a button. We know that executives value this multipurpose feature, since 46% of senior executives say they make video conversations a regular part of their day. 

Plus, if the workplace of the future is mobile, it will also be automated. That’s why chatbots are at the heart of Workplace Chat. 

Workers can spend up to 40 minutes every day at work due to sluggish technology. Bots aid in the speeding up of processes by automating tedious or repetitive operations such as checking pay stubs, seeking IT assistance, reporting issues, and scheduling time off. They can also do much more, such as express gratitude, give reminders, or automate entire processes like recruiting and onboarding. 

Bots not only make working on mobile easier, but they also make it more enjoyable. When you put humans at the heart of technology, that's what happens. 


3. Visual by Nature 

Why is video in the workplace so effective? We enjoy it for the same reason we enjoy it in our personal lives: it draws attention. According to our research, consumers watch video in the News Feed for five times longer than they do photos or text posts. Moving pictures remain the most potent tool we have to break through the noise and get those valuable insights as the volume of information at work continues to rise rapidly. 

Senior leaders may utilise Live Video on Workplace to reach out to the whole organisation for town halls, weekly business updates, breaking news, or simply streaming Live from their morning jog.  


4. Integrate Technology 

In a major corporation, the average marketing department employs over 90 different apps to get work done. But how many of these apps work together? How many are IT-vetted for security? How do you measure impact and return on investment? 

The most effective tools in connected organizations will have integration built in from the start. 

That's why Workplace is at the forefront of efforts to bring business apps closer together. So far, we've announced over 50 integrations with some of the world's most popular cloud services, including OneDrive, Office 365, and G Suite, Dropbox, Salesforce, and Okta, Jira, ADP, and SharePoint. Workplace wants to make provisioning workers, finding and sharing files, and just getting stuff done easier than ever before. 


5. Ubiquitous Connections 

Internal communication is frequently limited to those with an email address and access to a computer. However, the way we work has changed.  

With mobile, we can finally create ubiquitous workplace tools: technologies that can link everyone across an organization – no matter who they are, no matter where they are — providing a voice to everyone who has previously been out of reach of conventional IT. 

Workplace may link not just employees inside a firm, but also teams from various organizations. Multi-Company Groups and Chat greatly improve the speed and convenience with which individuals from various organisations collaborate. It's now easier to deal with agencies and partners, whether you're a customer and a media agency, a lease holder and a facilities management, or any other type of organisation that works with agencies or partners. 


6. Personalized Information 

Time is a limited resource, but many businesses are misusing it. One of the major issues is that the speed of information is accelerating. When we're surrounded by so much material, how can we know what's valuable and what's simply noise? 

Organizations can start by making sure that the technologies we're using (and the information we're receiving) is personalized to our needs. 

That’s what the News Feed does. Most users interact with Workplace through the News Feed, which is a scrolling sequence of posts that utilises powerful machine learning to determine what each person is most likely to be interested in seeing.  


Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Initiatives with an Effective Internal Communications Strategy 

Ready to see how Workplace can take your internal communications to the next level? Book a call with us to try the free interactive Workplace demo, where you can discover how to connect everyone in your company with familiar tools like Groups, Rooms, Chat, News Feed, and Knowledge Library. Our team of experts have the know-how to build you an innovative and collaborative Workplace from Facebook platform that will set you up for internal communications success. Try out the interactive demo and see how Workplace can enhance your business – today! 

Book a Demo

Written by LineZero
July 27, 2021
As a Meta for Work partner, LineZero is led by a people-centric president and leadership team that builds culture, connection, and community. LineZero is a team of employee experience and change management consultants.
