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C U S T O M E R   S U C C E S S   S T O R I E S

Campbell's Soup Company







2X more people reading internal communication messages with the launch of Workplace from meta.

Campbell's Soup Company is an iconic US food producer and a household name. Customers all over the world have had a long-standing love affair with the Campbell brand, and over 95% of North American homes have a Campbell product on the shelf or in a cupboard.

The company was exploring ways to ‘reimagine’ its corporate culture while building on nearly a century and a half of history. Only 18% of respondents to a recent Campbell staff survey agreed that company communications were ‘timely’, and the demographic was changing in the workforce. Campbell needed to change with it.

Campbell’s adoption of Workplace from Meta saw an immediate change, increasing connectivity, communication and collaboration among their teams. Learn about some of the features they are using.

Campbell's Transforms Their Company Culture with Workplace from meta!

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Workplace Makes an Impact!

Workplace changed the corporate culture from a top-down broadcast mentality to an inclusive, real-time collaborative environment in less than 9-months.

Workplace connects the sales team to marketing and production, no matter where they are in the world.

Workplace gives a space for instant, real-time feedback from users on food and product to the client happiness team.

Campbell company happy employee

Connecting everyone: Field and Office Teams

Campbell sales teams spend a lot of time doing what they do best: meeting customer and closing deals. For some sales team members, travel and being away from others can be a lonely part of their role. Workplace has helped to overcome this by connecting Campbell field teams with office teams through the mobile-first approach to communication. They use Workplace Chat to stay connected while travelling. Workplace helps those displaced team members to stay connected, be active in conversations, share insights they gain in stores and while visiting customers. 

Campbell Group Happy Employees

Fostering an inclusive culture

Campbell is reimagining and building a new company culture with Workplace from Meta through tagging, two-way communication, live video demos, and all-company conferencing. This makes it possible for Campbell Soup Company to have more vibrant, more engaging and value-added discussions. When events are taking place, everyone in the organization can tune in, live or on their own time, regardless of the time zone or the role they’re in - it's creating an inclusive culture, where no one is missing out.

Campbell Community Employees

Enhanced collaboration across the entire organization

Workplace from Meta has cracked the lid on two-way communication, creating endless possibilities. From group projects, to multi-company groups that invite outside companies, suppliers, and customers to connect and share in real-time, to insights, production updates, and product feedback. The conversation is no longer top-down and outward broadcasting; it’s changing the way Campbell does business and showing the food industry that something new is cooking in the kitchen! Workplace from Meta is also changing how Campbell celebrates its food, enabling instant responses from a variety of communities.

Would you like to learn more about Workplace?